Wednesday, June 18, 2008

An new day ... a new problem

Ok, so I have officially created a new problem for myself. Maybe to move the boyfriend issue on the backburner? Who knows.

I have left the old computer on for too long... and it started burning... yewww... that smell. I switched it of and it switched itself on again...and again. Ok, so I pulled the plug. Hubby came home, very irritated (to put it mildly), he is not in ther mood for computer problems. Pulled it apart and yes...almost everything GONE!

A bit of background.... the hubby and I are both IT consultants and like the dentist with the kids with terrible teeth, our computer is in a terrible state..... OLD.... ANCIENT. Well, we have 4 laptops in the house and a 5th one stays overnight every night. But this one was the MAIN one. To make the problem worse...I am working from home at the moment and have just finished about 10 hours of work which I still had to backup. Arghhhhh.....

So, my darling husband says the C-drive can be salvaged, but I will have to fish every little thing of it one by one. What am I to do? Redo that 10 hours of work? Now here's another problem....... I CAN'T remember exactly what I've done to get this new program to where it is now.... obviously some SERIOUS short term memory problems in my upstairs. I will just HAVE to sit down and go through the maze of finding everything I've done. Will most probably take me 20 hours this time around and I CAN'T CHARGE MY CLIENT FOR IT :-(

So here we are:
  1. We need to buy a new computer
  2. We need money to buy a new computer
  3. We don't have money to buy a new computer
  4. I need to work to earn money to buy a new computer
  5. I can't work to earn money to buy a new computer, because there's no computer to work on

I think we're stuffed... I have stepped in that poop!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The BOYFRIEND... continues

Another night of tossing and turning trying to find a solution for this PROBLEM in our lives. You know how things just feel and sound worse in the dark??? The problem grows as the hours pass after midnight. Must admit, it does seem to shrink back to proper proportions as the sun rises.

Ok, so don't get me wrong. This boy is a perfectly nice boy. If I have to pick one of her friends for her for a boyfriend, I will pick him...attention... if I HAVE to pick, that is at gunpoint. So I don't mind them having this 3 years time, just NOT NOW.

I have so wished that this was just a thing of which the novelty will wear off. But now, a year has passed I have to admit, it's not a novelty!!! There, I have said it. Why oh why couldn't you have been as crazy about your Nintendo DS or all the other toys we have bought over the years? Their popularity have only lasted a couple of months, what is sooo special about this BOYFRIEND?

I can't use the excuse of "your shoolwork is falling behind", because it isn't. She's a straight A student with 3 years of high school left and we have nothing to worry about... that is apart from this BOYFRIEND issue.

So well, I guess there are people with far more serious problems than me, so I better try and get through the day without thinking about this issue and minding my steps to avoid the poo.


Ok, so here we are in the not so new phase........ She has a BOYFRIEND. The SAME one for the last year. This is seriously SCARY. Now you maythink that having the same boyfriend for so long is a good thing, but wait................................................ not when you're only 14. She's a sensible girl, but still, she's soooo young.

How on earth do we handle this? I feel like locking her up until she's at least 18, but then, homeschooling has never been my thing!
So what did I do?

I sat her down (well more like I go yaddayaddayaddayadda while driving her to sport training) for a serious talk. You know... "Don't go too fast", "Every step you take from now on can't be undone - you have done it, no turning around", "If you take a step now because you think it's time for the next step, it will mean that you'll be looking for a another next step soon"

"Yes Mum, I understand what you're saying". Well, at least she agrees, but do you think I am going to have a good nights sleep tonight .... No, not yet! When will I ever be able to sleep? When I am 70, just before my bladder keeps me up all night?

Well, I hope you have a better rest tonight than me...
Watch out... don't step on that poop