Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Ok, so here we are in the not so new phase........ She has a BOYFRIEND. The SAME one for the last year. This is seriously SCARY. Now you maythink that having the same boyfriend for so long is a good thing, but wait................................................ not when you're only 14. She's a sensible girl, but still, she's soooo young.

How on earth do we handle this? I feel like locking her up until she's at least 18, but then, homeschooling has never been my thing!
So what did I do?

I sat her down (well more like I go yaddayaddayaddayadda while driving her to sport training) for a serious talk. You know... "Don't go too fast", "Every step you take from now on can't be undone - you have done it, no turning around", "If you take a step now because you think it's time for the next step, it will mean that you'll be looking for a another next step soon"

"Yes Mum, I understand what you're saying". Well, at least she agrees, but do you think I am going to have a good nights sleep tonight .... No, not yet! When will I ever be able to sleep? When I am 70, just before my bladder keeps me up all night?

Well, I hope you have a better rest tonight than me...
Watch out... don't step on that poop


Who Am I said...

Make sure they visit at YOUR house - that way you can keep an eye on his every move!

Offer to do all the driving and 'watching'

If that does, do what my husband says he is going to do:

"Kill the first one and hope word gets out..."

Who Am I said...

Ugh- I write like an idiot today - this is what happens when you multi-task.

Also - well done on finally starting your blog.

I find it a relief to tell SOMEONE (even if it is a bunch of total strangers ) things I cannot tell my family.

Ughh...try an imagine THAT group sulk...