So here we go again, time for my yearly "3 days of depression", because the birthday is here. NOT because I am getting older - can't be bothered about that - because I MISS MY FAMILY!!!!!
Every year I go through the same thing. My little one is turning 12 today and her birthday signals the start of my big sulk. Then in 2 days time it is the birth date of my dad , my sister (7 years younger than me) and me. How's that for good planning on mum and dad's side?
They couldn't have guessed at the time that I would be living half a world apart from them in 36 years time. So, for the first 36 years of my life, I was with them on every single one of my birthdays. Even though I have been without them for the last 5 birthdays, it still gets to me. There is no other time or place in my life where I miss them more, than on these few days every year. No matter what I do, or were I am, I feel this big hole in my life and I sulk about all the other things I have to do without.
One of the biggest issues we are facing, is having no extended family near us. The quickest we can get to them is on a 15 hour flight! The kids are growing up without grandparents, without cousins, without aunties and uncles. Even though we see them about once every two years, the bonds have been broken. The kids don't know what they're missing, so they don't even think about it, but I DO!
I love life in our new country and we are safe, the kids have a bright future ahead of them and they will create a new extended family for us in years to come, but I am soooo sad about the things we all miss out on.
Every year I get this angry feeling about the fact that I feel almost driven out of my country of birth. I know we made the choice, and it was the right one for us, but still, if thing

(((((((((HUGS)))))))) that's so sad!
I see your in Austrlia...may I ask where you are from?
Happy Birthday anyway..try to enjoy it!
Yes, I am in Australia, originally from South Africa.
Thanks for the birthday wishes!
My liefie!!!
Ten minste weet jy hierdie jaar is ek in gees met jou!!!!
Dankie skattebol! Jy laat my sommer beter voel.
Lief jou!
LOL Hmmm suddenly I feel left out! lol
ek voel op buite! nodig he toe leer Afrikaans!
Did I butcher that or what? lol
Well done, Terri - almost!!! :-) Carry on like this and you'll be speaking....well writing.... Afrikaans in no time at all!
LOL I had to use a translator to do that! lol I'm sure I wasn't correct gramatically! Oh well, at least I know what it said..lol
As for speaking it? PMSL(pissin my self laughing!)I doubt I could ever get that out of my mouth! lol HAHAHEHEHEHHAHEHEE!
You should see how I butcher (speaking) spanish,german,and french! I definately can read them better then speak them!
Hey at least I give people a good laugh!
and it's hilarious when they try to correct me! lol
Who know s maybe you can teach me a word a week! lol between you and Lorraine you might get me to say a whole sentence correctly in say .......about 1 year? lol
First sentence to learn - to use on some of your family members: "Ek is die moer in vir jou" This means "I am really angry at you" The word "moer" is a swear word - not to heavy, on the same level as "shit" :-) Hmmmmm....., you might need something stronger than "moer", will teach you that in a more advanced lesson later on :-) ROFL
thanks can't wait to learn some more! lol and of course you HAVE to teach me some REALLY bad ones! lol
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