Monday, August 4, 2008

Stuck up people

Now I have had it!!!!!! What is it with my fellow "country of birth" migrants? There is absolutely no other group of immigrants who are as stuck up as you lot are!!!

Goodness me! This is the normal conversation pattern whenever you meet one of THEM for the first time... They start off with a series of standard questions:
  1. In which suburb do you live?...... that is to determine the possible price range of your house
  2. Do you rent or have you bought?....ok , so you live in the right suburb, but did you actually buy the house?
  3. Which school does your child attend?.... can you afford a private school or do you go public?
  4. What does your husband do?... ok, so where do you fit on the social ladder of society?
And then, if your car is not visible, they will eventually steer the conversation to try and find out what type of car you drive and boy oh boy if it's not a 4x4, you fall right off the ladder!

Because, you see, Australia is not a country where people care a lot about the cars their neighbours' drive, the size of their neighbours' houses, or their job titles which then means that the only other people these poor idiots can compete with, are their fellow country of birth migrants.

So if you were wondering why I mostly avoid you, this is the reason why!


Who Am I said...

Hehehe - it makes you feel RIGHT at home hey?

By the way - happy happy birthday!!


Rena se pa het gesterf en ek was in Pretoria vir die begrafnis.

Penguin said...

Yes it does!!!! And I thought I got away from it all :-)

Aggenee, dis hartseer!

Terri said...

Well that's just terrible!
You would think people would learn that money isn't everything!
It is a sad world we live in when you are judged by what you have or don't have. But it is often the truth.
Personally,I could care less. I have both poor and rich friends...and I would be the first to take someone down a peg or to if they get to snotty from having too much,remind them that they could lose it all someday,better be nice to others because you'll never know what could happen!
I know,I had it all and lost it all due to wasn't easy to make a come back,but at least I still had all my friends because money or no I am still me...And in the end that is all that should count.
I actually pity people who are like that
they never learn the value or beauty of real life.

Terri said...

I'm going to try this your way! lol

Skone IS vel diep,wat IS in wat plan.
Lewe te kortvir bul SHIT!
Probeer nee toe oppik nat bo klien SHIT!

The words in capitals are in english becauseI have no idea how to write shit or IS in Afrikaans!
And I'm sure I butchered that..Maybe I should just give up and stick to what I know! lol ENGLISH

Penguin said...

LMAO!!! Well done! IS is just IS in Afrikaans! Bullshit is a word we regularly use in Afrikaans, even though it is English.

Terri said...

LOL I'm glad I could impress you,but I did have to use a translater to do it..I can't tell a
But a lot of the words you use don't translate to English,so I can only get a little bit of what you write! lol
Oh well...I'm trying! lol and it gives me something to do! roflmao